As the new, starry-eyed freshman class arrives to Blacksburg in August, they begin to make their home in one of Virginia Tech’s twenty-seven residences halls. Their rooms are then the stage for the countless memories of their first year as Hokies. Yet for some, this on-campus community expands beyond their freshman year.
Marvin Boyd, graduate of the class of 2001, spent his time at Virginia Tech as a Resident Advisor, Resident Advisor Coordinator, and then the Head of Resident Advisors in O’Shaughnessy Hall.
He understood the value of a supportive atmosphere for students who might be leaving home for the first time. Marvin built his own college experiences while simultaneously constructing a community where all Hokies could find their home.
Hokies continue to show the drive to help their communities even after they have completed their education. Blacksburg, as Marvin points out, is an isolated place, but this is not a bad isolation; it is, rather, an isolation that fosters a “closer knit community,” that allows students to leave with a permanent sense of Ut Prosim.
Marvin’s actions after he graduated emphasize the importance of the community and attitude towards service that was instilled in him as a student. He also comments on the significance of this affinity for service in other Hokies as well. He was struck in particular by the Relay for Life event that he witnessed when he returned to Tech after graduating. He notes that this event really shows the kind of passion and care that Tech students have, and use, to create a better community.
“…you see things from alums or other people who come back to your community after they graduate and you get to know them and you think wow, they had great things to say about the school, there must be something special there.” Marvin Boyd
This kind of passion is what drove Marvin, as the President of the Alumni Chapter in Washington D.C., to organize an annual blood drive and memorial service following the events on April 16th. He also continues to visit Tech and serve with the Alumni Association.
As highlighted in this story, when you’re a Hokie, you’re a Hokie for life – Ut Prosim will always be your motto.
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About this Story
Date Recorded: October 9,2015
Interviewer: Shelby Ward
Date Posted: September 26, 2016
Editor: Shannon Larkin & Jessie Rogers