About Us
Initiated in 2015 by the President’s Office and managed by faculty and staff in History, English, TLOS, VT Libraries, and the Alumni Association, The VT Stories Oral History Project collects and examines stories, memories, tall tales, tragedies, and triumphs of all members of the Hokie community to help us know our shared history and to make sense of it. At the heart of the project is Hokies interviewing Hokies—largely student-staffed and trained by oral historians, interviewers engage with VT Alumni to learn their history and to make mentoring connections that go beyond the student experience. As we seek to understand why Virginia Tech is top rated in its success in engaging alumni, we highlight the exciting, memorable, historic moments in Hokie lives that have forged strong and enduring connections. VT Stories transcends disciplinary boundaries and therefore is an example of Virginia Tech’s Beyond Boundaries
visioning initiative. In particular, we see our inter- and transdisciplinary project as intersecting with several Destination Areas, cultivating a VT-shaped learner by providing students with experiential learning across disciplines.

The heart of this project is located in the graduate and undergraduate students conducting interviews, training other interviewers, and developing web content. With a project manager who coordinates these efforts, work teams of interviewers and web content developers work together to conduct 1-2 hour interviews, transcribe the interviews, collect photographs and memorabilia, create edited sound cloud files, develop summaries about the interviewees, upload the content to the web, and conduct research about the Hokie experience, including mentoring, at Virginia Tech. A new pathways course, “New Media Storytelling,” was taught for the first time in Spring 2017 for students interested in becoming involved in the project and learning how to conduct interviews, use professional quality equipment, and create dynamic web content for projects like VT Stories. In addition, we coordinate with VT Libraries to create a multi-modal archive of detailed, long interviews (and corresponding transcripts), together with short, edited versions in multi-media. This all results in a dynamic, interactive repository used by variety of audiences from researcher to enthusiast and from first-year student to Old Guard alumni.
Our Team
Ren Harman

Ren Harman is the Project Manager for VT Stories. A three time alumnus of Virginia Tech, he manages the day-to-day operations including: managing undergraduate and graduate interns, corresponding with interviewees and scheduling interviews, conducting interviews, coordinating VT Stories across campus, and supervising the development of stories.
Shawn de Lopez

Shawn de Lopez is senior majoring in Creative Technology. As a full-time creative at Virginia Tech, Shawn is the lead photographer and videographer for VT Stories.
Amy Burke

Amy Burke is a senior majoring in English. Her research interests include women’s history and contemporary literature. She loves giving a voice to those who’ve changed the world in little and big ways.
Rose Johnson

Rose Johnson is a senior double majoring in Professional and Technical Writing and Literature and Language. Her interests include photography and the ways in which literature can impact empathy.
Nikhil Melige

Nikhil Melige is a senior at Virginia Tech majoring in Marketing Management. With over 3 years of experience in music production, event planning, video editing & graphic design, Nikhil depends on a wide range of abilities to get the job done. Creative, ambitious and unforgettable, he’s ready to make his mark on the world.
Kathleen Walker

Kathleen Walker is a sophmore majoring in Creative Writing and History, with a minor in Language Sciences.
Jeff Flanagan

Jeff Flanagan is a Project Archivist in Special Collections in University Libraries at Virginia Tech.
Jessica Taylor

Jessica Taylor is an Assistant Professor of History at Virginia Tech. Her research focuses on oral history, early American history, and Native American history.
Katrina Powell

Katrina Powell is a Professor of English and Director of the Center for Rhetoric in Society. Her research focuses on displacement narratives, human rights rhetorics, identity and self-representation and performative autobiography.
Quinn Warnick

Quinn Warnick is the senior director of innovation and outreach in TLOS, Virginia Tech’s learning technologies group. He is a founding member of VT Stories.
David Cline

David Cline is an Associate Professor in the Department of History at San Diego State University and a founding member of VT Stories. His research focuses on 20th century U.S. social movements, oral history, and public history.
Advisory Board
Laura Sands (founding member)
David Cline (founding member)
Quinn Warnick (founding member)
Shelli Fowler (founding member)
Greg Fansler (founding member)
Katrina Powell (coordinator)
Ren Harman
Mark Barrow
Tamara Kennelly
Cheryl Peterson
Aaron Purcell
2015-2019 Work Team
Emily Walters, graduate intern
Rachel Beisser, undergraduate intern
Grace Baggett, undergraduate intern
Alana Hassett, undergraduate intern
Hannah Goode, undergraduate intern
Shea Hacker, undergraduate intern
Jayne Ross, undergraduate intern
Jenny Nehrt, graduate intern
Jessica Craig, undergraduate intern
AJ Snow, undergraduate intern
Manisha Sharma, undergraduate intern
Jessie Rogers, undergraduate intern
Ashley Stant, undergraduate intern
Shannon Larkin, undergraduate intern
Andrew Kulak, website designer
Leslie McCrae, web content developer and public relations designer
Carmen Bolt, interviewer
Jenny Nehrt, interviewer
Shelby Ward, interviewer
Claire Gogan, interviewer
David Cline, interviewer
Ren Harman, interviewer
AnnRea Fowler, interviewer